Sunday, October 13, 2019

Can Right & Left Begin to Talk, Not Shout?

If you read this article by a professor who managed to work with a class on Ethics, and hit some of those contentious points, you might say yes.

I'm not so hopeful. If, instead of a slightly-Left-leaning college in the South, he tried the same experiment in a Hard Core Leftist institution, he'd likely be brought up on Hate accusations.

Heck, even a moderately Left college would, I believe, present the same problems.

The fact is, Appalachian State, in NC, attracts kids who actually are mostly Centrist. They are also Southerners, and tend not to sling around words like "Nazi" or "Fascist".

Wouldn't be nice.

I'd like to see this same experiment tried in Ann Arbor, or Berkeley, or even Colorado State. Somehow, I doubt the same outcome would result.

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