Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Identity Politics

This drives me nuts.

Other than the Indigenous Americans - and, by that, I mean those who immigrated to the land now known as the USA long before the more recent invasions by Norsemen, Europeans, Spanish, Africans, and Asians - all are what the PC call immigrants.

By that, they mean that you, or your ancestors, are present in this country quasi-illegally. Not the most recent immigrants/undocumented Americans, of course. THEY have a RIGHT to be here.

But, you, whose families have lived here for generations - you really should feel unworthy to be here.


I'm an Old-School American. I'm fine with some special assistance to people new to this country - help with English language acquisition, adjustment to the culture and law. That's for those who actually made the trip. By the time the first Native Americans show up in those families, that help should be less needed.

That acculturation, which ALL Americans have had to manage, is part of what makes us a country, rather than a loose confederation of tribes.

One major factor limiting that adjustment is the growing propensity of recent immigrants to marry someone from the "Old Country". This slows both cultural adjustment and language fluency.

Frankly, if someone wants to marry a non-American, they have several choices:

  • Go to that country, marry them, and wait until the normal immigration process, with background checks and waits is complete. Return with them.
  • Wait until they get an IMMIGRATION visa - not a visitor's visa, nor a student visa, nor any other kind. Then, marry them.
  • Go to their country to live - permanently
No more using marriage to expedite the immigration process. It's both dishonest (many, if not most, of the marriages are shams), counter to public interest, and retards the normal acculturation process.

While I'm at it, I also favor cancelling refugee status for those under it who travel to that country to visit relatives. If it's safe enough to visit, it's safe enough for you to return - permanently.

1 comment:

cmblake6 said...

I quite like your ideas here.