Saturday, April 13, 2024

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

.40 Smith & Wesson - The "Goldilocks" cartridge?

I carry, every day. I have a number, of each primary each caliber, and I'm still pretty good after all these years. Make up your own mind. 

.40 S&W: The Most Versatile Round

My favorite as well!!!!!!!!!!

45 ACP for Self Defense - Legend or Lame

Now, All of the 9s I carry in my rotation carry LOTS of rounds. I mostly carry .40 these days. Morre rounds than .45, more horsepower than 9. If I'm carrying a 9, it's because I need small. I'm still, all these years later, a damn good shot.  Placement is primary!