Monday, September 16, 2019

About That Terrorist List...

...and it being used to keep shady people from getting guns?

Among those who would have difficulties with that:

  • Mild-mannered David Nelson, who played himself on the show "Ozzie & Harriet" (not to be confused with the rock star who bites bats & got himself banned from the state of TX for disgracing himself at the Alamo). 
  • A six-year old girl from OH. Her mother admits that she has been known to threaten her sister. I mean, look at her picture - she's baring her teeth - I'm threatened just by looking at her! What more do you need? 
  • Eight-year old Cub Scout Mikey Hicks - Cub Scout? That's practically a Hate Crime right there! 
  • Several James Robinsons, including 2 military men - one a lawyer (OK, that's a good call), and a former brigadier general authorized - by TSA - to carry a gun onto a plane.
  • Ted Kennedy - Gee, this list is starting to look like a GOOD thing. Ted's dead, so the only No-Fly List he's on is the Angel Wings List. 
  • Rep. John Lewis (D) - Okay, he's pretty shady, but there is no DIRECT evidence he shouldn't have access to guns. Well, other that he's a lying, posturing, mentally unstable SO - well, I won't go there. I will mention, however, that he is one of the Leaders for the Congressional Sit-In to limit 2nd Amendment Rights.

So, what take-away can we get from this? How about
Don't Mess With Our Constitutional Rights

1 comment:

John said...


If you like your civil liberties administrated with the efficiency of the DMV and accuracy of the McDonald's drive through, that's a great system.